As a user, I want the website to comply with Lighthouse accessibility standards - nathandh/mywebclass-simulation GitHub Wiki

As a user, I want the website to comply with Lighthouse accessibility standards.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • The website must have a high Lighthouse accessibility score of at least 90.
  • All website content must be compatible with screen readers and other assistive technologies.
  • The website must provide alternative text descriptions for all non-text content such as images, videos, and audio.
  • The website must provide keyboard navigation options for all interactive elements.

Story Point: 5

Priority: Medium

List Tasks related to this Story

  1. Run the website through Lighthouse and address any accessibility issues identified by the tool, ensuring the website meets WCAG 2.2 accessibility guidelines.

Task title: Run the website through Lighthouse and address any accessibility issues identified by the tool, ensuring the website meets WCAG 2.2 accessibility guidelines.

User Story: As a user, I want the website to comply with Lighthouse accessibility standards.

Effort Estimate: 1/2 Sprint (1 week).

Assigned To: ndh2, jv494, dl349

T-shirt size: 5 (Medium)

Priority: Medium

Status: Done