As a User, I want to ensure my information is not abused, and be informed before being subject to tracking (such as with Cookies) - nathandh/mywebclass-simulation GitHub Wiki

As a User, I want to ensure my information is not abused, and be informed before being subject to tracking (such as with Cookies)."

Acceptance Criteria: The site should inform and prompt the user for acceptance where necessary to ensure compliance with standards such as the GDRP, CCPA, and other local legal entities.

Story Point: 2

Priority: Low

List Tasks related to this Story

  1. Create and display a modal to the User to give them information and notice before being tracked.

Task Title: Create and display a modal to the User to give them information and notice before being tracked.

User Story(s):

As a User, I want to ensure my information is not abused and be informed before being subject to tracking (such as with Cookies)

Description: Ensure legal compliance in user information handling via modals and user acceptance checks.

Effort Estimate: 1/2 Sprint (1 week).

Assigned To: ndh2

T-Shirt Size: 2 (Small)

Priority: Medium

Status: Done