As a User, I want to be able to navigate to different parts of the web application easily - nathandh/mywebclass-simulation GitHub Wiki

As a User, I want to be able to navigate to different parts of the web application easily.

Acceptance Criteria: The site provides intuitive navigation to all areas of content.

Story Point: 10

Priority: High

Functional User Testing: Users should be able to click a link and see the view render new content which matches the links clicked. Users should be able to visibly see breadcrumbs that represent a logical path of pages visited. Clicking through breadcrumbs should result in visits to expected pages that match the content of what was clicked.

List Tasks related to this Story

  1. Develop a responsive content template and homepage for the website.
  2. Implement and test internationalization features for the website.

Task title: Develop a responsive content template and homepage for the website User Story(s):

As a User, I want to be able to navigate to different parts of the web application easily.

Description: Add intuitive site navigation for the User to all content.

Effort Estimate: 1/2 Sprint (1 week).

Assigned To: ndh2

T-Shirt Size: 2 (Small)

Priority: Medium

Status: Done

Task title: Implement and test internationalization features for the website

As a User, I want to be able to navigate to different parts of the web application easily.

Description: Add intuitive site navigation for the User to all content.

Effort Estimate: 1/2 Sprint (1 week).

Assigned To: ndh2, jv494, dl349

T-Shirt Size: 8 (Large)

Priority: Low

Status: Todo.