CLI Usage Run Through - nathan-fiscaletti/synful GitHub Wiki
Creating a custom command
You can create your own CLI command by using the following command:
$ ./synful -create-command MyCommand
This will create the custom command in ./src/Synful/App/Commands
Note: You will need to register the command in
in order to use it.
$ ./synful -register command MyCommand
When you create a custom command, you can either execute some logic and then return parameter_result_halt();
to stop the process, or you can return a result and access it anywhere in the framework using Synful::$command_results
as an array.
. . .
$this->name = 'cmd';
$this->description = 'My Command.';
$this->required = false;
$this->alias = 'command';
$this->exec = function ($value) {
return $value;
. . .
$value = Synful::$commmand_results['cmd'];
Note: The key in
will be thename
property of your command, and never thealias
Built In Commands
Usage: ./synful [options]
Note: These commands are run outside of the primary Synful process.
Command | Alias | Parameters | Description |
install | Installs all dependencies for Synful and executes ./synful -ct to create the default tables. For this to work properly, the default Synful database must already be configured. (See Database Management) |
update | Updates the dependencies for Synful | ||
vagrant | If a vagrant environment is already up, this will destroy it. If one is not up, this will bring up a new Vagrant environment |
API Key Management)
API Key Management (SeeCommand | Alias | Parameters | Description |
-ck | -create-key | [auth] [name] [security_level] [whitelist_only] [rate_limit] [rate_limit_seconds] | Creates a new API key with the specified information.(See Rate Limiting) |
-epm | -end-point-manager | [action] [auth] [endpoint] | Adds or removes an endpoint to an API keys Endpoint Access Array. |
-dk | -disable-key | [auth_or_id] | Disables a key (making it unable to be used) based on authentication handle or ID. |
-ek | -enable-key | [auth_or_id] | Enables a key that has been disabled based on authentication handle or ID. |
-lk | -list-keys | Outputs a list of all API Keys. | |
-rk | -remove-key | [auth_or_id] | Removes a key from the System based on authentication handle or ID. |
-ta | -test-auth | [auth] [key] | Test authentication for an API key. |
-uk | -update-key | [auth_or_id] | Generates a new private key for an API Key. |
-w | -white-list-only | [auth_or_id] [value] | Enables or disables the 'White-List Only' Option for the specified key. |
Firewall Management
Command | Alias | Parameters | Description |
-f | -firewall-ip | [auth_or_id] [ip] [block_value] | Firewalls an IP Address on the specified key with the specified block value. |
-sf | -show-firewall | [auth_or_id] | Lists firewall entries for a specific key. |
-uf | -unfirewall-ip | [auth_or_id] [ip] | Removes the firewall entry for the specified ip on the specified key. |
Command | Alias | Parameters | Description |
-cmi | -create-migration | [name] | Create a database migration. |
-cm | -create-model | [name] [database] | Create a database model. |
-mi | -migrate | [action] | Run database migrations. |
Other Commands
Command | Alias | Parameters | Description |
-cc | -create-command | [name] | Create a new command. |
-cl | -color | [bool] | Use to enable/disable console color at run time. |
-ch | -create-handler | [name] | Creates a request handler with the specified name in src/Synful/App/RequestHandlers. |
-cmw | -create-middleware | [name] | Creates a new Middleware implementation with the specified name in src/Synful/App/MiddleWare. |
-cs | -create-serializer | [name] | Creates a new Serializer implementation with the specified name in src/Synful/App/Serializers. |
-reg | -register | [requesthandler | command][name] |
-h | -help | Displays usage and descriptions for all comamnd line parameters. | |
-hc | -hide-config | [bool] | Used to hide config change messages on initialization. |
-lrh | -list-request-handlers | List all RequestHandlers currently registered in the System. | |
-o | -output | [level] | Minimizes output when creating or updating api keys. Must be set first. |
-v | -version | Shows the current frameworks version number. |