4. Sending Requests - nathan-fiscaletti/synful GitHub Wiki

What makes up a request to Synful?

  • When sending a request to Synful, the Synful-Auth and Synful-Key headers must both be set only if you are using a non-public RequestHandler (See Request Handlers: Request Handler Types).
  • Each request made to a Synful API must contain the properly formatted data depending on the Serializer that is being implemented.

Hint: Append ?pretty the end of any endpoint that uses the JSONSerializer for output, and JSON_PRETTY_PRINT will be used.

Example Requests

Example 1

    $ curl -vvvv \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H "Synful-Auth: SYNFUL" \
      -H "Synful-Key: cb52b4d3776482a87d1706823b1135a5" \
      -X POST \
      -d '{"user_id":10}' \

This request will send a user ID to the RequestHandler with users/get set as it's $endpoint, using the API Key associated with the authentication handle SYNFUL.

Based on the -d data format, it is assumed that the RequestHandler is using the JSONSerializer.

It is also assumed that the RequestHandler has the post Request Type function override implemented. (See Request Handlers: Request Type Functions.)

Example 2

    $ curl -vvvv

This request will send an empty request to the RequestHandler with ip/get set as it's $endpoint. This RequestHandler is using the get request type function by default when no request type is passed to the curl call. It is assumed that this RequestHandler is public as the Synful-Auth and Synful-Key headers are not set.

Next: API Key Management