Test Session Suite 1 - nateyb93/WeatherActive GitHub Wiki

Product Name: WeatherActive

Team Members: Nathan Brown, Daniel Jones, Triton Pitassi

Setup Information

  1. Visit the github repository for the project: https://github.com/nateyb93/WeatherActive
  2. Click on the button marked "Download ZIP" located in the bottom right corner of the repository page.
  3. Unzip the file, "WeatherActive-master.zip' downloaded in the previous step at a location of your choice. In the remainder of this rest suite, the chosen location shall be referred to as ~.


Test Case Number: F-1-00

Author: Daniel Jones

Name: display 7-day forecast

Purpose: When successful, the page will display the 7-day forecast, starting with the current day.

Precondition: The computer is turned on and has an active connection to a network.


  1. Open the file ~/index.html in any Internet browser.
  2. Click the 7-Day Forecast button.

Postcondition: The browser displays the 7-day weather forecast, starting at the current day. The information to be displayed is as follows:

  • Date:
  • High and Low temperatures:
  • Weather forecast:
  • Precipitation amount: