Assignment#3 - nataruiz/Computer-Application GitHub Wiki


This project is up to make use of Excel charts, i.e., Spark line, Columns, pie chart. Generating a visual chart display using multiple tabs.


Create a spreadsheet excel to generate a visual chats display using multiple tabs as Spark line, Columns, pie chart.

Details of all items used

I used excel to create the spreadsheet and Github.

Problem statement

To look for a data expressing in different kind of graphics. Payments, survey, and Average grade.


Firts of all, I put payments monthly as Food, Transport, Collage, Rent, Services (Water, Light, and Gas).

After that I put this formula (=SUM(C3:C7))to figure out the total payments monthly.

Then I selected all data to insert a chart. Looking for the percentages. To see a pie chart.

For the next chart, I select the total of the people who answered the survey, using this formula (=SUM(C5:C8)).

After that I looked for percentages. (=SUM(D5:D8))

Then I looked for percentages. (=SUM(D5:D8))

I selected time and people to make a column chart to see visually the results.

I added data student’s years grades in their collage.

Then I looked for the average with this formula (=AVERAGE(B2:E2)).

I selected all data and looked for the best chart to see the results. Finals charts

Future work

Showing in a visual way all the results from the data


Selecting all the data showing in a charts


There is a different kind of charts depending on the data.


Github Excel