Lab 1 1: Network Connectivity Testing - nataneliezer/tech-journal GitHub Wiki
In this lab we tested network connectivity using Windows command prompt.
we specifically looked at the following commands:
ping -it is used to test if a networked device is reachable. it is used in this format >ping
tracert- returns the output of each hop it takes to reach the ip, the format is >tracert <ipaddress/domain name>
nslookup - used to obtain domain name or ip address mapping. it is used in this format >nslookup <ip/domain name>
ipconfig - it provides all ip/network information it is used by just typing >ipconfig and will display the information
There were no problems that I encountered in this lab
Lab questions:
Record the following for the ipconfig, ping, tracert, and nslookup commands. What information does each command provide?How do you use each one?
ipconfig: it provides all ip/network information it is used by just typing ipconfig and will display the information
ping: it is used to test if a networked device is reachable. it is used in this format >ping
tracert: returns the output of each hop it takes to reach the ip, the format is >tracert <ipaddress/domain name>
nslookup: used to obtain domain name or ip address mapping. it is used in this format nslookup <ip/domain name>
Document how you open a command prompt on Windows.
windows key>cmd>enter