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Reading Introduction to AWS CloudWatch

Explain CloudWatch Events to a non-technical friend.

CloudWatch is a real-time monitoring services for all of AWS services offered. Meaning, it is basically like hiring someone to give you a play by play of everything that goes on in your kid's life, kind of like Sinbad was to The First Kid.

What do CloudWatch Logs helps us achieve?

CloudWatch Logs help to be able to see whether your stuff is safe or not, from bad actors because you will be able to see everything that goes on, and you will also have the ability to organize accordingly, say you find out the is a more efficient way of doing things, now you can access that with the information and statistics you have at hand.

What capabilities does CloudWatch Anomaly detection have?

CloudWatch Anomaly detection learns from the prior data to formulate a baseline, and detect anomalies, so when something is out of the ordinary, it alerts you, kind of like a child does as they learn what they should be alerting you and when they shouldn't.