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What is a Windows Domain and How Does It Affect My PC?

  • It is a way to manage a large group of employees using a computer that has been configured to a network of computers. The only way to get a computer off of this control, is to a complete reset, and reinstall windows operating system. For example when the school gave elementary school children a computer to see their teachers and do work. It would go super slow and was completely useless because of the Domain, and all the policies it had in place it was next to impossible to do any work on it. Most of the times, anything under a domain is super slow and just a nuisance.

Explain the role of a Domain Controller?

  • A Domain Controller controls all the users that are attached to the domain

What is the benefit of being able to login with the same username and password on any computer joined to the domain? What are the security risks?

  • Working from your personal computer by configuring it to attache to the domain, Taking work home with you.

Describe how group policies are used in domains?

  • It can remotely install software on a computer attached to a domain.

In what other ways can you think of that domains could be used beyond what was presented in the reading?

  • Being able to control Skim