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What is Backup and Disaster Recovery and Why Do You Need It?

What is Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR), and why is it essential for businesses?

  • With the ever-increasing Cyber Attacks, companies are in need of backing up all their data in a separate compartment for storage and emergencies. That's where Backup and Disaster Recovery BDR comes into play. These two separate but connected concepts go hand in hand. They do as their name states.
  • Backup - Backs up all the data of a company
  • Disaster Recovery recovers the data that was backed up in case of emergencies

Describe the process of data backup in detail.

  • Data can be backed in a physical environment easily accessible to the company, or a cloud environment where the physical environment is another Company's warehouse you pay a fee to utilize and they give you access to that physical environment, but you never come in contact with the physical environment, you only come in contact with your data that is being stored there. So for example, we pay taxes, and those taxes are supposed to cover trash being picked up. We never have to pay apart from the taxes that we already pay for this service. But states require their citizens to pay again, and they usually even have to go to the nearest landfill to dump trash that certain states refuse to pick up. In one of those instances, you don't come in physical contact with the landfill, in the other instance you do.

What does disaster recovery refer to, and why is it crucial to have it in addition to data backups?

  • Disaster Recovery is like the Fire Drill you learned at school. There are step-by-step processes and procedures a company has in place in case their data becomes compromised or lost. Part of that plan is utilizing their backups. The National Insitute of Standards and Technology is the department that is set in place that all companies must adhere to, but most companies go above and beyond what is required of The NIST because of today's ever-increasing Cyber threats. One attack can make a company go out of business due to a lack of trust from the consumer to ever do business with that company again.

What is cloud backup and recovery, and how does it enhance data security?

  • Cloud Backup as stated above, is an extra measure of security because you are paying someone to only focus on protecting your data, and because they are being held accountable by you and other businesses that do business with them, it is in their best interest to prioritize the security of your data vs if you handle it yourself, you have other things you need to focus on for your business. This is also a very attractive way to go for small businesses that don't have the funds to create an entire department focused on this in their little start-up. What's great about this is it also encourages people to have their own small businesses instead of giving the power to the huge conglomerates. Another good thing about this, is multiple companies handle data security, therefore, if the huge conglomerate is taken down, all these little companies will be left standing. But if we don't have variety, it will be very easy to take down the entire system of business that depends on that one company to secure their data.

In some cultures, the concept of data privacy is highly valued, while in others, sharing information openly is considered normal. How might these cultural norms affect the way individuals approach data backup and disaster data recovery? Provide examples to support your response.

  • No one business should be like the other. The variety of how people do business is what makes our country so great. Data privacy being highly valued is very beneficial when it comes to the government because there are serious threats that hate us and want to see our wives, mothers, daughters, sons be taken and tortured before our very eyes, and to laugh in our faces as they do it. Certain departments must prioritize data privacy. While sharing data openly is a very necessary thing as well to allow for innovation and growth. Both of these personalities and differences work best when they both work together and are in constant communication. Bookmark and Review

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