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Windows Registry Demystified

What is the Windows Registry, and what does it store?

  • A database that stores configuration settings for Windows that can be tweaked with to enable hidden features

What are the two types of registry settings stored for each Windows user account?

  • System-wide Registry: C:\Windows\System32\Config\
  • NTUSER.dat: C:\Windows\Users\Name

What are “registry hacks” and why might someone want to use them?

  • registry hacks are tips and tricks to change the numbers and keys on the registry to be able to tweak your OS especially if your Windows is not activated

What are some common tasks you can perform by editing the Windows Registry?

  • you can block other user accounts from running specific apps, get the old volume control back, change the manufacturer name of your PC, remove the 3d objects folder,
  • fun ones: change the settings of your background screen, change the settings of your taskbar, anything a non-activated account doesn't let you perform can be performed by tweaking the Windows Registry

Imagine you’re explaining the concept of the Windows Registry to someone who has never used a computer before. How would you make this explanation culturally relevant and relatable to their life experiences or background?

  • The Registry is like having all those interpersonal relationships with people, when they do their job, they are working for a bigger entity, but when they're just with you they're your friend. And sometimes, they do stuff for you that isn't necessarily protocol at work because they're your friend. This is how tweaking the Windows Registry works. You communicate with the individual vs the big giant conglomerate. The Giant conglomerate says no, but you know that's bogus, so you go talk to your friend. And says, "No Problem, I got you!"

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