201 Class 06: Windows Defender Security Center - nataliabdallah/codefellows-ops-reading-notes GitHub Wiki

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Windows Defender Security Center

What are the five main sections included in the Windows Defender Security Center, and what functionalities do they offer?

  1. Virus & threat protection: protects your data against ransomware attacks
  2. Device Performance and Health: monitors battery life and storage capacity.Shows Windows updates and drivers. Option to restore or refresh Windows, uses yellow explanation point to show problem.
  3. Firewall and Network Protection: Manages Windows Firewall settings, links to network troubleshooting info, provides info on local networks like (Network and Sharing Center on the Control Panel Option)
  4. App and Browser Control: enables adjustments in settings of SmartScreen for apps and browsers, informs you of online warnings
  5. Family Options: view health and safety of your family's devices from a centralized location. ability to configure options for parental controls and options for habits, the activity of your kids' online activity or manage controls for limiting access to purchasing games and apps online.
  6. Settings: the icon is located on bottom left corner- you can control Windows Defender and Windows Firewall notifications

What information does the “Device performance & health” section provide, and how can you access it?

  • Monitors battery life and storage capacity. Shows Windows Updates and drivers

How does the Windows Defender Security Center notify you of issues that require your attention?

  • Windows Defender Security Center notifies with a yellow Exclamation Point for health issues

What features are managed under the “Firewall & network protection” section in the Windows Defender Security Center?

Manages Windows Firewall settings, links to network troubleshooting info, and info on local networks

How does the concept of “security” in Windows Defender Security Center relate to your own experiences in keeping your personal belongings safe? Share some strategies you use to protect your belongings and how they might parallel the security measures used in the digital world.

  1. Virus and Threat protection: Wearing the right attire for the weather to prevent from getting sick, or sweaty and growing something funky
  2. Device Performance and Health: Getting the adequate amount of sleep in order to perform at your optimum and to keep from a vulnerable body open to harm
  3. Firewall and Network Protection: Having a housing community, where only those that pertain to the housing community can enter
  4. App and Browser Control: Having cameras and security guards and cops that monitor the neighborhood and alert us of any threats
  5. Family Options: teachers, mothers, babysitters, anyone that cares for our loved ones that keep regulations and policies in place to protect our children
  6. Settings: The communication method, like the phone, internet, in-person meetings established and scheduled to keep up to date with and be organized so you have a grasp of what needs to be taken care of

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