201 Class 02: What is Bash? - nataliabdallah/codefellows-ops-reading-notes GitHub Wiki

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What is Bash?

What is the primary function of a shell in a computer's operating system?

  • Bash is an application that runs other applications in the form of text commands

How does Bash locate and execute commands on a Linux or Unix system?

  • By entering the command "which" for example: "which Bash" or "which ls"

How can you determine if your system is running a Bash shell?

type in the echo command into your shell along with a common key variable used to see. For example: echo $0 bash

What makes Bash scripting powerful and why is it considered scriptable?

  • Instead of downloading applications and using time comsuming interfaces to do tasks, like croping a photo, playing music, changing the music file type, etc, you can used bash to do all that and more.

Bash scripting allows for customization, automation, and efficiency. Discuss methods or practices from your previous work experience or cultural background that aim to achieve similar goals in daily tasks.

  • Daily tasks, such as converting music files and uploading them to be editable would take much less time using bash, or saving files under specific indicators instead of manually going through every file would cut out the time by more and 1/2.

Things I want to know more about

  • Bash Commands that can save me time from performing automation jobs.