Idea, Features, and Architecture - natafaye/assignment-tracker GitHub Wiki
Many school teachers (particularly Junior High/High School) can get overwhelmed with keeping track of homework they’ve assigned to students. This project is intended to help teachers manage their classes. It will have a student view, where class members can see what/when assignments are due, and submit assignments, in addition to a teacher view where the teacher can make assignments and see what has been turned in and when it was turned in, and give feedback.
All Features
- User Accounts
- Make an instructor user account
- Make a student user account for a class
- Admin account that manages user accounts and permissions
- User can delete their account
- Instructor
- Classes
- Set up a class
- Remove a class
- Edit a class
- Remove students from a class
- Assignments
- Create an assignment
- Edit an assignment
- Delete an assignment
- See assignment submissions of students
- Give students textual and video feedback on submissions
- Classes
- Students
- See assignments coming up
- Submit an assignment (textual or upload)
- See past submissions and feedback from instructor
- Other Cool Features
- Note for students who miss class
- Reading Contest
- Students can track books read
- Instructor can see reading progress of students
- Make an assignment for multiple classes
- Handle late assignments
- Allowing students to be in multiple classes
Minimum Viable Product Features
- Instructors
- Make an account
- Set up a class
- Make an assignment for a class
- View submissions from students
- Students
- Make an account for a class
- See assignments coming up
- Submit a textual assignment
- Back End - Flask, SQLite
- Front End - HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Twitter Bootstrap