Caveats - nasa/ow_simulator GitHub Wiki

Caveats and Known Issues in this Release

Table of Contents

Runtime issues

Power System Model

Occasionally the power system node crashes when the simulation is started. The simulator is still usable, only without a power model. We hope to patch this problem in Release 13.

If the low_state_of_charge power fault is injected immediately after the instantaneous_capacity_loss fault, only the latter may get injected. The workaround is to not inject these in quick succession. We hope to patch this in Release 13.

GSAP predictions do not properly update if time_step is increased to speed up the simulation, primarily with regards to Remaining Useful Life (RUL). RUL does not update accordingly, leading to a significant desynchronization between State-of-Charge and RUL.

Guarded Move failures

Occasionally, a Guarded Move operation fails with one of the following results. These are intermittent problems whose cause has not yet been identified. The failed operation usually succeeds on the next try.

[INFO] [1662588335.979580, 1916525073.690000]: Guarded move activity started
[INFO] [1662588363.379669, 1916525101.015000]: Ground Detected ? True
[ERROR] [1662588363.758741, 1916525101.452500]: Received comm state PREEMPTING when in simple state DONE with SimpleActionClient in NS /arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory
[INFO] [1662588364.138530, 1916525101.822500]: GuardedMove: Failed


[ WARN] [1662997380.189337090, 1916525067.187500000]: Fail: ABORTED: No motion plan found. No execution attempted.
[INFO] [1662997390.173686, 1916525076.817500]: Ground Detected ? False
[INFO] [1662997390.174705, 1916525076.817500]: GuardedMove: Failed

Arm path planning stochasticity

The arm path planning is done with a stochastic planner. This means both joint trajectories and final joint configurations can not be guaranteed to be consistent between runs of the same arm actions. For example, the following two arm configurations are both perfectly valid results for the following command.

rosrun ow_lander -x 1.7 -y -0.2 -z 0.6 -q 1 0 0 0

Spurious battery warnings

Warnings like the following might appear soon after the executive node is started. They are spurious and have to do with initialization order.

[ WARN] [1637249546.320531960, 1916524870.472500086]: PLEXIL: Battery charge is low!
[ WARN] [1637249546.320597956, 1916524870.474999905]: PLEXIL: Battery too hot!

Startup errors and warnings

The following errors and warnings (listed in arbitrary order) typically occur when the simulator is starting. They may be safely ignored unless they occur excessively.

[ WARN]: Skipping virtual joint 'fixed_base' because its child frame 'base_link' does not match the URDF frame 'world'

[ERROR] [1600978208.628103326]: Failed to find 3D sensor plugin parameters for octomap generation

[ERROR] [1562963343.559613217]: Could not find the planner configuration 'None' on the param server

[ERROR] [1562963345.732187182]: Got low value for ros::Time::now() in the solar frame publisher: 0.000000000

[Err] [] Unrecognized geometry type
[Err] [CameraSimVisualPlugin.cpp:46] Camera is null. CameraSimVisualPlugin won't load.
Error [] Missing element description for [param]
[Err] [] Light [lander::lander_lights_link::lander_light_light1] already exists. Use topic ~/light/modify to modify it.

[ERROR] [1562963346.929316708, 1631761200.000999928]: CelestialBodyPlugin::OnUpdate - "site" passed to lookupTransform argument target_frame does not exist.
[ERROR] [1600978213.758398746, 1916524801.982500076]: CelestialBodyPlugin::OnUpdate - "sun" passed to lookupTransform argument source_frame does not exist.
[ERROR] [1600978213.763400607, 1916524801.987499952]: CelestialBodyPlugin::OnUpdate - "jupiter" passed to lookupTransform argument source_frame does not exist.

ERROR 1: TIFFFieldWithTag:Internal error, unknown tag 0x829a

```ODE Message 3: LCP internal error, s <= 0```
(This one is henceforth suppressed because it can occur throughout the
simulation whenever there is a collision).

Shutdown errors and warnings

The following occurs when the simulation is shutdown. It may be ignored.

[ERROR] Could not stop controller 'limbs_controller' since it is not running

Plan prompt does not return.

When running the ow-exec or owlat-exec launch files, occasionally the prompt for a new plan to execute doesn't return after a plan finishes. A new plan filename can still be entered as though the prompt were there.


The HealthMonitorDemo.plp PLEXIL plan is not working properly. See comments in the file.

The following errors and warnings (listed in arbitrary order) sometimes occur during lander operations. They may be safely ignored unless they occur excessively.

This is a minor bug in the PLEXIL software and is harmless.

Some PLEXIL plan runs may exhibit `[ WARN]: Unsupported Plexil
Lookup ExitPlan, called with 1 arguments.`

The following are errors that sporadically occur in the simulator and can safely be ignored.

RRTstar: problem definition is not set, deferring setup completion...
RRTstar: Started planning with 1 states. Seeking a solution better than 0.00000.
RRTstar: Initial k-nearest value of 310
[Wrn] [] Unable to connect to model database using []. Only locally installed models will be available.
[Err] [] Unable to get model name[]
[ERROR]: Got a callback on a goalHandle that we're not tracking. This is an internal
SimpleActionClient/ActionClient bug. This could also be a GoalID collision.

The following may result from digging with the scoop in worlds that support sample collection.

[ WARN]: Visual modification message was dropped! At least 12 message(s) may have been missed.

The number of messages dropped may vary, and may result in an inconsistent number of regolith particles spawning in the scoop across multiple runs. The cause is typically running the simulation on a machine that cannot keep up with material grid operations. If you see the messages, try only running the sim at real-time, or slower. You can also try increasing the cell side length of the material grid for a lower resolution grid. See the Environment Simulation page for information on how to do this.

Build Issues


When first built, the following warning occurs. It can be safely ignored, and if desired, suppressed with catkin build --cmake-args -Wno-dev.

CMake Warning (dev) at /usr/share/cmake-3.10/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:911 (if):
Policy CMP0054 is not set: Only interpret if() arguments as variables or
keywords when unquoted. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0054" for policy
details. Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this

Quoted variables like "chrono" will no longer be dereferenced when the
policy is set to NEW. Since the policy is not set the OLD behavior will be
Call Stack (most recent call first):
/usr/share/cmake-3.10/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:1558 (_Boost_MISSING_DEPENDENCIES)
/usr/share/OGRE/cmake/modules/FindOGRE.cmake:318 (find_package)
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/gazebo/gazebo-config.cmake:175 (find_package)
CMakeLists.txt:14 (find_package)
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

World Issues

Any issues that are particular to the provided Example Worlds


In previous versions of the software this world supported sample collection. Unfortunately that support had to be dropped in favor of supporting multi-material terrain for atacama_y1a. Of the example worlds, only atacama_y1a supports sample collection and multi-material terrain.