XML Schema of GunnsDraw Spotters - nasa/gunns GitHub Wiki

The XML for spotters is very similar to the XML Schema of GunnsDraw Links.

As an example, here is the XML for the gunns/core/GunnsSensorAnalogWrapper spotter:

<object label="" About="Spotter" Class="core/GunnsSensorAnalogWrapper" ConstructorArgs="" c00.minRange="0.0" c01.maxRange="0.0" c02.offValue="0.0" c03.nominalBias="0.0" c04.nominalScale="1.0" c05.nominalNoiseScale="0.0" c06.nominalResolution="0.0" c07.noiseFunction="0" c08.unitConversion="UnitConversion::NO_CONVERSION" c09.nominalNoiseMult="0.0" i00.powerFlag="false" i01.truthInput="0.0" id="w7rOy0wd7fr7X0LCFvpQ-5">
  <gunns type="Spotter"/>
  <mxCell style="shape=mxgraph.signs.nature.earth;html=1;fillColor=#000000;strokeColor=none;verticalLabelPosition=bottom;verticalAlign=top;align=center;" vertex="1" parent="1">
    <mxGeometry x="20" y="20" width="20" height="20" as="geometry"/>

Here is a description of the spotter XML:

  • object – Just like with links, this is the outermost tag for spotters. The label, About and config and input data attributes work the same as for links. However, the link’s Port attribute is replaced by the following for spotters:
    • Class – This defines the spotter type and source code path, just like the subtype attribute of the gunns element of links. However by placing it in the object element, we allow the user to define the type of each instance via the Edit Data dialog in Draw.io.
    • ConstructorArgs – This allows the user to define the arguments to the spotter instance’s constructor in the network C++ class.
  • gunns – Much simpler than link, this element only has a type attribute:
    • type – This is always ‘Spotter’. All other information needed to define an instance in the network C++ code is in the object element above.
  • gunnsShapeData, mxCell, mxGeometry – These are all the same as for links.
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