Units - nasa/gunns GitHub Wiki


Unless otherwise noted, all units symbols here are in the form recognized by Trick.

Base Units

GUNNS uses the official SI base units:

parameter unit
length m
mass kg
time s
electrical current amp
temperature K
amount of substance mol

Combinations of parameters use the above units, thus mass density is kg/m3, volumetric flow rate is m3/s, etc.

Derived Units

Note that some derived units in GUNNS are not direct combinations of the base units:

parameter unit comments
angular velocity rev/min Official SI unit is radians per second (r/s) but GUNNS uses revolutions per minute (rev/min) or RPM for convenience.
frequency Hz Hz is not a Trick-recognized unit. In Trick, use (one/s) or (1/s)
force N
pressure kPa Official SI unit for pressure is the pascal (Pa), but GUNNS uses the kilopascal (kPa) for convenience.
energy J
power W or J/s
electric charge C Coulombs © is not a Trick-recognized unit.
voltage v
electric capacitance F Farads (F) is not a Trick-recognized unit
electric resistance ohm
electric conductance S siemens (S) is not a Trick-recognized unit

Variable-Units Generic Terms

The GUNNS “Basic” links can represent different units depending on which aspect they’re used in. For instance, a Basic Conductor’s (GunnsBasicConductor class) mFlux term represents electrical current (amp) in the electrical aspect, and heat flux (W) in the thermal aspect. To avoid conflicts with Trick, these terms have no Trick unit defined for them.

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