Intro_Course_4_6 - nasa/gunns GitHub Wiki

Intro Course 4.6: Exporting

When you “export” a network drawing from GunnsDraw, it creates the C++ header and body files containing the various classes that make up the network (the main network class, its config & input data classes, and various other special classes & structs used in the network).

  • Always save your drawing file in before you export.
  • Run the gunns/draw/ Python script from the command line. More info here: Exporting GunnsDraw Networks.
    • The script performs some maintenance on the drawing, error checking, and reports the status of the export process.
  • It is important to remember that can change the drawing for maintenance updates like renumbering the nodes, updating link shape data contents, etc.
    • The script will tell you what kinds of these changes it makes, if any.
    • You should always synchronize the drawing in after the export and review the maintenance changes in

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