Intro_Course_4_2_1 - nasa/gunns GitHub Wiki

Intro Course 4.2.1: Start With the Template

  • First, remember that drawings you create belong to your project, not the gunns/ repo. You should find a place to save and source-control them in your own project filespace, outside of the gunns/ repo.
  • Start up and open the Empty Network drawing in gunns/draw/drawings/EmptyNetwork.xml.
    • If you start the desktop from the command line, you can supply the drawing file name to open: $ (path to)/EmptyNetwork.xml
  • File > Save as… the drawing to your new drawing’s location in your file system (outside the gunns/ repo!).
    • We recommend naming this file the same name as your network class will be called, i.e. MyClass.xml
    • We also recommend the name convention: SystemSubsystemAspect, i.e. EpsPriElect. Adding the aspect type to the name distinguishes this network from other networks for the same subsystem’s other aspects.

You don’t have to use this template drawing. We recommend using it because it sets up some useful layers and an initial network container for you. The layers are set in this specific order for reasons:

  • Notes: meant to hold comments, text boxes, documentation objects like assumptions & references lists, etc., without placing them in the network container. This layer is displayed on top of the others. The Notes layer can be hidden by unchecking it in the Layers window, for easy de-cluttering your view of the network layer.
  • Network: meant to hold the network container and all objects inside it.
  • Notices: meant to hold Notice boxes for indicating important restriction markings like export control, company-sensitive data, etc. By being last in the layers list, it is first in the drawing file, so that these notices appear prominently near the top of the drawing file if anyone looks at the file in a text viewer.

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