Intro_Course_2_6 - nasa/gunns GitHub Wiki

Intro Course 2.6: Run Sequence

This describes the sequence of events when a network is propagated in time. This only details the Major Step performed in a linear network. Non-linear networks and their Minor Step loop is an advanced topic.

  • Sim Bus inputs are read into the Network’s contained objects (usually just Links & Spotters) from the Sim Bus.
  • The Network’s update method is called by the Trick “scheduled” job:
    • The Network loops over all Spotters and calls their stepPreSolver method. This allows Spotters to process inputs before the system state is updated by the Solver.
    • The Network calls the Solver’s step method once:
      • The Solver loops over all Nodes and clears out their flows from last pass.
      • The Solver loops over all Links and calls their step method:
        • Links calculate their new contributions to [A] and {w}.
      • The Solver loops over all Links and sums their contributions to the system’s [A] and {w}.
      • The Solver solves [A] {p} = {w} for the new {p}, which are the new node potentials.
      • New {p} values are given to the Nodes as their potentials and to the Links as their port potentials.
      • The Solver loops over all Links and calls their computeFlows method:
        • Links calculate flow rates corresponding to the new {p} and transport resulting flows between the Nodes.
      • The Solver loops over all Nodes and calls their integrateFlows method:
        • Nodes balance internal states in response to the incoming & outgoing flows.
    • The Network loops over all Spotters and calls their stepPostSolver method. This allows Spotters to process outputs after the system state is updated by the Solver.
  • Sim Bus outputs are written to the Sim Bus from the Network’s contained objects.

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