Intro_Course_0 - nasa/gunns GitHub Wiki

Intro Course 0: Prerequisites and Presentation


  • Know how to use Trick
  • Know how to use git

Course notes & presentation:

  • This is a web-based tutorial that reuses and links to lots of articles in our Wiki.
  • This can be a self-guided course, or presented to others in a classroom setting.
    • For self-guided students, feel free to explore/get lost in the various linked articles — you might learn a lot!
    • For presentation to a group, we recommend mostly sticking to the course pages. Don’t spend too much time in side links.
  • This course can be divided into 2 × 2-4 hour sessions:
    • Part 1: Sections 1-3
    • Part 2: Sections 4-7
  • For presentation to a group, we recommend expanding your web browser to fill the screen and zooming to 200%.
  • Feedback is welcome! Let your GunnSmiths know if you see any errors or ways to improve this course.
  • Each page has links at the bottom to go back to the previous page or advance to the next page in the tutorial, like so:

Previous Page / Next Page

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