GunnsFluidHotAdsorber - nasa/gunns GitHub Wiki




This link extends GunnsFluidAdsorber with an adsorption/desorption efficiency that is linearly dependent on the temperature of the fluid passing through the link.

Use this link rather than the simpler GunnsFluidAdsorber when you need adsorption/desorption to be dependent on temperature or automatically switch between adsorption & desorption.

Most physical adsorbers, such as activated charcoal, tend to adsorb when cold and desorb when hot. To model this, the efficiency is a linear function of fluid temperature, with the function specified as configuration data. The resulting efficiency can be positive or negative - for positive values, the link adsorbs just like the base GunnsFluidAdsorber class, using this efficiency value. For negative values, the link switches to desorbing, and desorbs at the constant desorption rate. The link models heat convection between the walls and the fluid, and the adsorption efficiency calculation uses the fluid exit temperature resulting from this convection.

How To Use in GunnsDraw

This link can be connected to nodes in the same ways as a GunnsFluidConductor.

Port Connection Rules (These are limitations on the port connection to nodes that the link enforces in run-time):

Other Rules (These are extra rules you should always try to follow):

  • Do not mix fluid phases across the link. That is, both nodes should contain the same phase (gas or liquid), and not different phases.

Configuration Data Parameters:

  • maxConductivity: Same as GunnsFluidConductor.
  • expansionScaleFactor: Same as GunnsFluidConductor.
  • gasType: Same as GunnsFluidAdsorber.
  • efficiency: This value is not used by this link, and can be left = 0. Instead, the efficiency function of temperature is defined with the efficiencyBias and efficiencyScaleFactor terms below.
  • maxAdsorbtionRate: Same as GunnsFluidAdsorber.
  • maxAdsorbedMass: Same as GunnsFluidAdsorber.
  • desorbtionRate: Same as GunnsFluidAdsorber.
  • thermalLength: Same as GunnsFluidValve. Note that the heat convection controlled by these terms is applied to the exiting fluid temperature, and that exit temperature is used as the input to the adsorption efficiency function.
  • thermalDiameter: Same as GunnsFluidValve.
  • surfaceRoughness: Same as GunnsFluidValve.
  • efficiencyBias (default = 0): This is the intercept in the line equation for efficiency.
  • efficiencyScaleFactor (default = 0 1/K): This is the slope in the line equation for efficiency.

Input Data Parameters:

Common Problems

  • N/A


  • N/A
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