GunnsDraw Reference Node - nasa/gunns GitHub Wiki


This is a special node shape that is used to reference another Basic or Fluid node in another location in the drawing. This can be useful to de-clutter a drawing by allowing links to connect to a node number by a nearby reference shape instead of the actual node in the drawing, which may be somewhere far away.

How To Use In GunnsDraw


  • Place these inside the Network container and configure the normal node number that they refer to.
    • The referred node number is this shape’s name label. Simply select the reference node and type the number.
  • There is no limit to the number of reference nodes in a network.
  • Multiple reference nodes can reference the same normal node number.
  • This can’t be used to reference the Ground node. Use another Ground node shape for that.

Configuration Data Parameters:


Input Data Parameters:


Common Problems

  • N/A.


  • N/A
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