GunnsDraw Link Ports - nasa/gunns GitHub Wiki
Link Ports are customized lines that are used to connect GUNNS links to nodes. A single link port line always connects between exactly one node and one link. The port number, or label on the line, indicates which of the link’s ports is being connected to the node.
- Only use numerical labels >=0 for the port number, as it must coincide with the valid port number range of the attached link.
- You can make connections between nodes and links by non-Link Port lines, like a normal line, but these are ignored by the network export scripts. This can sometimes be useful to show a symbolic relationship between the node & links when there is no actual port connection.
- You can attach Link Ports to anywhere in the node and link shapes. However we recommend connecting to the connection points on the shapes, for clarity.
- Note that only the Link Port’s numerical label determines which port of the link it is connected to, and not where on the link it is connected. Some links have graphics in their shapes that imply a certain port number at one end. For instance, the GunnsBasicPotential implies that Port 1 is connected at the ‘+’ end, but GunnsDraw does not require this. You could connect the port 0 to the ‘+’ end of that shape, which may lead to confusion.
- All links have a Ports: field in their shape data, visible by right-clicking the link and selecting Edit Data…. The Ports: field gives hints as to what connection each port number is for.
- Try to avoid confusion by flipping or rotating the link shape as needed to make Link Port connections at clearly implied connection points on the link, when appropriate.
See the connection patterns tutorial for more information about the mechanics of making these Link Port connections.
- N/A.
- N/A