GunnsDraw Fluid Node Frame - nasa/gunns GitHub Wiki



This is identical in function to a Fluid Node, just with a different graphical shape. We commonly use these for nodes that represent large volumes, such as a vehicle cabin.

How To Use In GunnsDraw

The rectangular frame shape can be resized to fit other objects inside of it. Objects shown inside of the frame in the drawing are not actually contained in the node object, but are conceptually inside the volume that the frame represents. See gunns/sims/networks/example_space_vehicle/ExampleCabinFluid.xml for an example. The frame node is node number 0 (denoted at the top left of the frame). Note how there are many cabin equipment objects inside the frame, such as the cabinFan, airVents, and nodes 1-4. These are separate objects in the network not associated with node 0. Note how links airVents, crew, and scrubbers connect to the thick frame border for node 0 - this is how you connect links to the frame node. The air flow loop between the scrubbers and airVents links creates a loop flowing from node 0, through nodes 1-4, and back to 0 again.


Configuration Data Parameters:


Input Data Parameters:

  • initialFluidState (default = 0, must not be 0): Same as Fluid Node.

Common Problems

  • N/A.


  • N/A