Fluid_Aspect_Course_3_5 - nasa/gunns GitHub Wiki

Fluid Aspect Course 3.5: Sensors Interface with Signal

GunnsFluidSensor Link

  • The GunnsFluidSensor is not a real sensor model in itself.
    • doesn’t model sensor-like things: bias/drift/noise, etc.
  • Rather, it simply grabs measurable fluid values to send over to a real sensor model.
    • We use this link to grab the data rather than looking directly at the GunnsFluidNode:
      • Nodes are not designed to interface with the user or sim bus.
      • Having a dedicated sensor call-out link in your fluid network keeps it looking at the correct location in case you change the node numbers in the drawing.
  • The real sensor model (SensorAnalog, etc) is usually implemented in the Signal aspect
    • the “truth” value is sent over from the fluid aspect via sim bus.
  • The SensorAnalog is configured to convert the fluid aspect’s units to the sensor’s output units:
    • Temperature: (K) to whatever
    • Pressure: (kPa) to whatever
  • GunnsFluidSensor is a fluid conductor, and can conduct flow through itself.
    • Can model leak-thru a burst diaphram in a delta-pressure sensor, etc.
    • Placed in-line with the bulk flow passage for measuring flow rate.
  • See GunnsFluidSensor for examples of how to hook it up.

Other Links

  • In some cases, a GunnsFluidSensor link can’t get what you need. Examples:
    • Fluid temperature output from a HX link before it gets mixed into its downstream node
      • In this case, grab the HX link’s mInternalFluid.mTemperature

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