doesn’t model sensor-like things: bias/drift/noise, etc.
Rather, it simply grabs measurable fluid values to send over to a real sensor model.
We use this link to grab the data rather than looking directly at the GunnsFluidNode:
Nodes are not designed to interface with the user or sim bus.
Having a dedicated sensor call-out link in your fluid network keeps it looking at the correct location in case you change the node numbers in the drawing.
The real sensor model (SensorAnalog, etc) is usually implemented in the Signal aspect
the “truth” value is sent over from the fluid aspect via sim bus.
The SensorAnalog is configured to convert the fluid aspect’s units to the sensor’s output units:
Temperature: (K) to whatever
Pressure: (kPa) to whatever
GunnsFluidSensor is a fluid conductor, and can conduct flow through itself.
Can model leak-thru a burst diaphram in a delta-pressure sensor, etc.
Placed in-line with the bulk flow passage for measuring flow rate.