Fluid_Aspect_Course_1_2 - nasa/gunns GitHub Wiki

Fluid Aspect Course 1.2: Vehicle Systems: ECLSS

Life support systems. On crewed vehicles, there is a lot of equipment to maintain the various fluids that keep the crew alive.

Common subsystems — at a minimum, all crewed space vehicles (including EVA suits) have some version of these:

  • Temperature & Humidity Control (THC)
    • Temperature for obvious reasons.
    • Humidity is important for crew comfort, but also water condensation is very bad for spacecraft: water droplets get everywhere and cause electrical shorts in equipment, mold & mildew issues, etc.
    • Water may be dumped overboard, or in fancier vehicles saved & reused for other purposes.
    • Tech typically involves: fans, ducting & valves, condensing or non-condensing heat exchangers with ATCS, desiccant absorbers, Nafion membranes
  • Atmosphere Revitalization (ARS)
    • Scrubs harmful compounds out of the crew’s air.
    • Mainly CO2, but also lots of other trace compounds given off by humans and equipment.
    • CO2 may be vented overboard or saved & reused for other purposes.
    • Tech typically involves: fans, ducting & valves, absorber cannisters (LiOH, activated charcoal, etc), Nafion membranes, absorber swing beds for recycling, reactors (similar to automotive catalytic converters)
  • Pressure Control (PCS)
    • Maintains total pressure and partial pressure of O2.
    • There is a safe “corridor” of O2 concentration based on total pressure.
    • Too little oxygen causes hypoxia & death, too much increases fire risk, etc.
    • Too little total pressure causes depressurization sickness and ventilation systems lose effectiveness, too much total pressure dumps air overboard & wastes air.
    • Tech typically includes: high-pressure gas tanks, lines & valves including pressure regulator & relief valves.

Fancier vehicles that have longer missions & need to better conserve the limited precious life-giving fluids add these kinds of systems in varying degrees:

  • Water Recovery (WRS) & Waste/Hygiene Control (WHC)
    • Collects waste water from various sources like humidity concentration, trash, toilet, shower, etc.
    • Tech involves pipes, valves, tanks & pumps, water recycling pre-treatment chemicals
  • Regenerative ECLSS (RECLSS or just “Regen”) — This is a loose umbrella term for all kinds of fluid recycling:
    • Create breathable oxygen and/or hydrogen fuel from water (electrolysis),
    • water from H2 & CO2 (Sabatier process),
    • Recycles & purifies various types of waste water.
    • Tech includes electrolyzers, reactors, distillers, de-ionization beds, etc. Lots of more complicated chemistry and chemical plant-like processes.

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