Example Space Vehicle Sim - nasa/gunns GitHub Wiki

There is an example simulation of a space vehicle in the GUNNS repository, see gunns/sims/SIM_example_space_vehicle. This gives an introduction to how we typically model fluid, thermal, and power systems. It includes GUNNS networks of all 3 aspects, a Signal aspect to drive sensors and effectors/controllers, and the Sim Bus to move data between models.

Note that we have converted the GUNNS drawings to the new GunnsDraw tool. We include both the new GunnsDraw and the old GunnShow drawing formats here for reference.

Electrical Network

Click here to download the GunnsDraw draw.io drawing.
Click here to download the legacy GunnsShow Visio drawing.

Thermal Network

Click here to download the GunnsDraw draw.io drawing.
Click here to download the legacy GunnsShow Visio drawing.

Fluid Network – Cabin Atmosphere, ARS, THC & PCS

Click here to download the GunnsDraw draw.io drawing.
Click here to download the legacy GunnsShow Visio drawing.

Fluid Network – Coolant Loop

Click here to download the GunnsDraw draw.io drawing.
Click here to download the legacy GunnsShow Visio drawing.

Thermal Network – Dummy HX

Click here to download the GunnsDraw draw.io drawing.
Click here to download the legacy GunnsShow Visio drawing.

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