3. Hotkey Files - nanpuhaha/HotkeyNet GitHub Wiki

You define hotkeys by describing them in a text file that you create with a text editor or word processor. You can use Notepad for this purpose. Be sure to save the file as a "text document" or "text file."

People sometimes ask where they should put this file. You can put it in any folder you like. Later, when HotkeyNet loads the file for the first time, it will ask you where to find it.

You need to make a hotkey file for each computer on which you press hotkeys. Here's a picture to make the idea clear.

Suppose you want to press a hotkey on keyboard A that performs an action on computers B and C. You would describe that hotkey in a file on computer A, but not on computers B or C. The other two computers don't need to know about the hotkey, even though it causes them to do things, because it's not pressed on their keyboards

This means you can have different hotkey files on different PCs, and the same hotkey can be defined differently in each one. For example, F3 can do one thing when you press it on computer A but something else when you press it on computer B.

Loading a Hotkey File

After you create a hotkey file, load it into HotkeyNet by clicking "Load hotkeys," selecting the file name, and clicking "Open."

You only have to do this once. From that time on, HotkeyNet will remember the file name and load it automatically. However, if you change a hotkey file while HotkeyNet is running, you need to load the file manually so HotkeyNet sees the changes.