2. How to Set Up HotkeyNet - nanpuhaha/HotkeyNet GitHub Wiki

Before you start using HotkeyNet, you need to adjust a few settings. On each computer that you've installed it on, click "Comm Settings" to bring up the communications settings panel.

HotkeyNet on One Computer

If you are using HotkeyNet on only one computer, click "No" for "Are you linking PCs?" as shown in the following illustration.

Click "Apply" and restart HotkeyNet to make your settings take effect. If you're using HotkeyNet on only one machine, you're finished with this page.

HotkeyNet on More Than One Computer

If you're using HotkeyNet on more than one machine, click "Yes" in the illustration shown above.

You must now choose one of your computers to be the server. All the others will be clients. This choice has no effect on how you use the program. Every computer that runs HotkeyNet can do the same things as the others regardless of whether it's a server or a client. The only difference between a server and a client is that the server coordinates communications behind the scenes.

Setting Up the Server

Choose one of your computers to be the server by checking the appropriate box. (It makes no difference which one you choose.)

Click "Apply" and restart HotkeyNet on your server to make your settings take effect. You are finished setting up your server.

Setting Up the Clients

If you are using HotkeyNet on more than one machine, all the others besides the server must be clients. On each one, select "Client" in the illustration above.

On each client, you must enter the server's IP address. You can find the server's IP address by clicking "Show this PC's IP details" on the server's copy of HotkeyNet.

Enter the server's IP address in each client as shown in the following illustration.

The IP address shown here is only an example. You must enter the actual IP address of YOUR server.

Once again, you can find your server's IP address by clicking "Show this PC's IP details" on the server's copy of HotkeyNet.

After you enter the server's IP address in all your clients, you're finished. Click "Apply" and restart the client copies of HotkeyNet to make your settings take effect.


For maximum safety, enter a password on all the PCs. It can be a phrase or sentence, and it should contain at least 32 characters and spaces. Click "Apply" and restart HotkeyNet to make the password take effect.

Choosing the Port

Normally you can ignore the port setting. HotkeyNet chooses one by default, and it will work on most computer networks.

However it may be the case that a program on one of your computers is already using HotkeyNet's default port number. If so, HotkeyNet will tell you, and you will have to change the port number on all your copies of HotkeyNet. Just try different random numbers till you find one that works. If you pick an invalid number, HotkeyNet will tell you.

When you choose a new port number, you must be sure to enter the same one on all your copies of HotkeyNet, or else they won't be able to communicate with each other.

Each time you change the port number, click "Apply" and restart HotkeyNet to make your new settings take effect.

Don't Forget Your Firewall

Your firewall will probably stop HotkeyNet from working unless you tell it to allow HotkeyNet to communicate freely. With some firewalls (such as ZoneAlarm) this is very easy. One or more windows will pop up the first time you run HotkeyNet asking if it's okay to allow HotkeyNet to do its job. You should say yes. Other firewalls are more complicated. You'll have to read the instructions for your firewall to find out how to do it.

(HotkeyNet contains no malicious code of any kind. It's perfectly safe to give it permission to communicate.)