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##Menu While not logged in, the user can only access the Pages Login-Page and Registration-Page While logged in, the user can access to the Pages Balance-Page, BalanceDetailed-Page, SendMoney-Page and Profile-Page.
##Login-Page Standard Login Page
##Registration-Page Standard Registration Page (only Mails are allowed with double opt-in)
##Balance-Page On the Balance Page, the user can see his current Account Balance. Furthermore he can see the last 5 Transactions (outgoing and incoming) with the following information:
- Transaction-Date
- Transaction-Time
- (Recipient/Sender E-Mail Adress)
- Amount of Transaction
In addition the Button "Show details" links to BalanceDetailed-Page
Condinero/Balance standard.png
##BalanceDetailed-Page On the Balance-Page, the user can see his current Account Balance. Furthermore he can scroll (endless scrolling) through all Transactions (outgoing and incoming) of the selected month (current month is default) with the following information:
- Transaction-Date
- Transaction-Time
- (Recipient/Sender E-Mail Adress)
- Transaction-Message
- Amount of Transaction
The selected Month can be changed via Dropdown (Last 12 Months from current Date are available in Checkbox)
Condinero/Balance detailed.png
##SendMoney-Page On the SendMoney-Page the user can see his curren Account Balance. Furthermore he can choose from Last 5 Recipient Mails or search for an E-Mail Adress in the search field.
Condinero/Send Money Step 0.png
##Profile-Page On the Profile-Page the user can edit his Avatar (which is currently used nowhere in the app else), can change his email Address or change his password.