KWoC Final Evaluation - nandikeshsingh/Algorithms GitHub Wiki

About the Participant :

My name is Nandikesh Singh a sophomore at Indian Institue of Technology, Kharagpur.

Github Handle : nandikeshsingh

About the Project :

My project name was Playing with Algorithms.It is a repository on github that holds some of the famous data structures and algorithms implemented in various languages.

Languages Used : C/C++/Python/Java

Mentored By : Prateek Chanda

My Contribution :

In this project I worked on some of the famous pattern searching algorithms and also worked on bringing the complexity down of some of the famous problems by using algorithm paradigm such as dynamic programming.

Issue Raised :

  1. Link : #265
    Description: It was to find the longest bitonic subsequence in a given sequence.
    Status : Open

  2. Link : #193
    Description : It was to implement Rabin-Karp pattern searching algorithm.
    Status : Open

  3. Link : #241
    Description : It was for the implementation of the famous Coin change problem.
    Status : Closed

Pull Requests sent :

  1. Link : #266
    Description : Successfully implemented the algorithm to find the longest bitonic subsequence.
    Status : Open

  2. Link : #242
    Description : Successfully implemented the coin change problem.
    Status : Merged

  3. Link : #244
    Description : Successfully implemented the maximum subarray sum problem.
    Status : Merged

  4. Link : #149
    Description : Successfully implemented the rod cutting problem but this PR got closed because the commit history of the main repository got erased.
    Status : Closed

  5. Link : #73
    Description : Successfully implemented the kadane's algorithm but this PR got closed because the directory structure of our main repository got changed.
    Status: Closed

  6. Link : #45
    Description : Successfully implemented the KMP pattern searching algorithm.
    Status : Merged

About my Experience :

I really enjoyed working on this project,it was a wonderful experience being a part of Kharagpur Winter of Code. My learning curve was really very steep during those 5 weeks of the programme.I remember when I started working on this project I was a absolute noob in the world of open source but now I feel confident about open source programming.It also made me realise the importance of contributing to open source projects.

And lastly I would like the thank KOSS for conducting Kharagpur Winter of Code and my mentor Prateek Chanda, he has been an awesome mentor and was very approachable throughout the programme.

Prateek: Thanks for the contribution. Had a great time working with you