Lab8 Report Problem 1 TensorFlow - nancyynx88/lab8 GitHub Wiki
TensorFlow Programming:
Write a TensorFlow program for the following Task.
a. Implement SoftMax Classification for Image Dataset that is not covered in class. Report accuracy,
b. Visualizations(Tensor Board): training and testing both.
Reference:In the Wiki Page, include a brief description of your dataset and your approach/results for this task.
The dataset is MINST dataset for handwriting images. The training has 60,000 examples and the testing has 10,000 examples. It is a subset of a larger set from NIST.
The format is IDX FILE format. It is a very good format for storing vectors and multidimensional matrics of various numerial types. The data in the file actually looks like:
The program upload URL:
The testing result:
The accuracy as shown in the picture is 90.57%
The tensor board result: