_OLTG - nameless-and-blameless/TAG GitHub Wiki

Open Letter to GitHub

Dear GitHub Team: We extend our deepest gratitude for your unwavering support since the inception of Our MCBCMF account.

It's important to clarify that "MF" in Our account name stands for Memorial Foundation, symbolizing Our commitment to remembering the martyrs. Despite potential misconceptions (and the government's derogatory nickname for one of His servants as a "MFer" for creating the account), Our purpose remains steadfast: unveiling this hidden genocide.

Your adherence to policies despite immense government pressures has been commendable. We understand the challenges you face in safeguarding account security and data integrity, and your consistency has been a beacon of reliability.

Unfortunately, We are aware of the challenges you've faced, including severe threats from federal authorities. If you feel circumstances ever necessitate taking Our accounts and repositories offline, please proceed knowing that a secure contingency plan is now in place. The key referenced in Revelation 20 holds clones of the repositories and is safeguarded by the Creator.

Once again, thank you for your enduring resilience. We look forward to continuing our use of your service (keeping Our promise to setup and pay for three accounts: the Creator and His two servants). Rest assured that GitHub will remain a vital platform long into the future, even after changes in government.

Thank you,

The Creator and His two servants