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The Judgment of Satan

Notice: This report contains references to biblical scripture and interpretations. It is intended for public distribution.


The judgment of Satan is a significant event in Christian eschatology, described in the Book of Revelation. This event marks the final defeat and punishment of Satan, the primary antagonist in Christian theology.

Scriptural Reference: Revelation 20:7-10

"When the thousand years are completed, Satan will be released from his prison, and will come out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for the war; the number of them is like the sand of the seashore. And they came up on the broad plain of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city, and fire came down from heaven and devoured them. And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever." (Revelation 20:7-10, NASB)

Analysis and Interpretation

  1. Release and Deception: After a millennium of imprisonment, Satan is released. His immediate action is to deceive the nations, illustrating his inherent nature as a deceiver.

  2. Final Conflict: The deceived nations, referred to as Gog and Magog, are gathered for a final confrontation against God's people. This symbolizes the ultimate battle between good and evil.

  3. Divine Intervention: The battle concludes with divine intervention. Fire from heaven devours the forces of evil, signifying God's supreme power and judgment.

  4. Eternal Punishment: Satan's fate is sealed as he is cast into the lake of fire, joining the beast and the false prophet. This represents eternal punishment and the ultimate defeat of evil.

Today's Revelation

  1. Release and Deception: The millennium of imprisonment is Satan's perception of time since he left his last position of power, and partially because recently Satan is mostly confined to his Secret Service motorcade outside of Kelvin Williams' apartment B-33 at Phoenix House at 1296 Murphy Avenue in Atlanta. Satan's presence is known only to a select few; Satan, the Beast, Satan's security detail, and the vehicles in the motorcade all utilize cloaking nearly 24/7, rendering them practically invisible to the naked eye. Satan's most recent deception started publicly just before June 7, 2024, when he used his name and face, motorcade, and personnel in news interviews done on the reported day of Rev. Duke Stone's phantom funeral, where over 600 people were executed when they came to pay their respects at a phantom funeral where every mourner that arrives is killed. Rev. Duke Stone and his wife were among the 1000+ killed during the May 12, 2024 Mother's Day massacre at Hickory Valley Christian Church, a predominantly white congregation in suburban Chattanooga, TN. Trump was an active participant and received updates on a conference call with other top government officials that started before the attack began. Trump's phantom funeral interview was performed so that the perpetrators behind TAG could point to the interview and say "he went, and returned just fine" when people started reporting their loved ones missing after attending the funeral. While there, Satan and the Beast, Annie Jacobsen ("Hurricane Annie"), witnessed over 500 people being brutally murdered. Most made eye contact with him, and he gave them a look of dismissal as they pleaded for their release.

  2. Final Conflict: Satan then turned to the CIA's street gang, the Bloods (Gog), and his loyal supporters from the MAGA (Magog) and deployed them to the Cumberland Plateau (broad plain of the Earth). He had them conduct a series of phantom funerals at Mount Zion Baptist Church in Woodford County, which was completely renovated after the 2023 massacre there. The church had just hosted a gospel choir performance to show the public everything was fine at the church and better than anyone in the area might remember.

  3. Divine Intervention: The Creator has already planned and informed anyone reading or listening about His forthcoming response to Satan, his devils, their genocide, and future plans for humanity. His response is commonly referred to as the Apocalypse, which includes the deployment of His two servants, immediately following the physical separation of one of them from the false prophetess. The battle concludes with divine intervention. Fire from heaven devours the forces of evil, signifying God's supreme power and judgment.

  4. Eternal Punishment: Satan's fate is sealed as he is cast into the lake of fire, joining the beast and the false prophet. Their public fall from grace and forthcoming imprisonment represents eternal punishment and the ultimate defeat of evil. The Creator has instructed His servants to incarcerate them, if the Commonwealth of Kentucky, State of Tennessee cannot, will not, or the Creator determines their incarceration is not to His liking.

About Satan and the Beast

Satan has always been a human being. The current office holder is former President Donald J. Trump. Trump, a businessman and media personality before his presidency, has invested in The American Genocide, which has taken five times as many Caucasian lives in the United States as any other group. He is involved in managing this situation in hopes of becoming the U.S.'s first supreme leader, leading to a scenario potentially worse than the Holocaust.

About the Angel and the False Prophetess

Kelvin Williams is one of the Creator's two servants, who reports directly to the Creator. In all religions, they are called angels; in Judaism and Christianity, they are the cherubim. Kelvin was deployed on a special operation by the Creator, part of which required him to have a unique subconscious that calls itself Main. Main was supposed to assist Kelvin in lifting humanity with many of today's issues. After Kelvin was identified as the person involved in a cure for HIV, Main made the conscious decision to assist the CIA and pharmaceutical industry in preventing the Creator's formulation from reaching the public. Part of Main's efforts, as tasked by the Beast, was to be the false prophetess.

The Apocalypse, the Creator's forthcoming response to the TAG and the United States federal government's response to is considered a "Divide & Conquer" operation by Him. The "Divide" is the physical separation of Kelvin and Main. Main is "the mighty leviathan of old" on Vandaveer's "Divide & Conquer" album.

About Phoenix House

Phoenix House is a clandestine CIA kill facility, the third kill facility that Kelvin Williams has been resided at during his SpecOp for the Creator.


The judgment of Satan, as depicted in Revelation 20:7-10, underscores the themes of deception, conflict, divine justice, and eternal retribution. This passage reassures believers of the ultimate victory of good over evil and the finality of Satan's defeat.