Targeting Alpha Males - nameless-and-blameless/TAG GitHub Wiki

The Targeting of Alpha Males within The American Genocide (TAG) in the United States

1. Introductions

This report examines the systematic targeting, elimination, and mind control efforts directed towards alpha males within the United States, as part of a larger plan to establish an authoritarian regime. Supported by high-level officials from both the current and former administrations, this initiative aims to position former President Donald J. Trump as the supreme leader. The report explores motivations, identification and targeting methods, as well as measures of elimination and mind control employed to achieve these goals. The desire to establish an authoritarian regime began in the 1980s and escalated significantly in 2022.

2. Historical Context

2.1 Origin in the 1980s

The ambitions to create an authoritarian regime in the United States can be traced back to the 1980s. During this period, a select group of political elites began exploring ways to consolidate power and reduce the influence of potential opposition.

2.2 Escalation in 2022

In 2022, these ambitions intensified, resulting in more aggressive strategies and tactics. Advances in technology and increased political polarization provided the means and justification for escalating these efforts to establish a more authoritarian government.

3. Motivations for Targeting Alpha Males

3.1 Perceived Threat to Authority

Alpha males, defined by above-average penile lengths (exceeding 6 inches), are perceived as natural leaders with significant influence over other males. Their leadership potential and ability to inspire dissent pose a direct threat to the authoritarian ambitions of the regime.

Males exceeding 7 inches in penile length are considered a significant threat to the planned authoritarian regime and must be addressed.

3.2 Symbolic Suppression

Eliminating alpha males serves as a symbolic act of dominance, demonstrating the regime’s power to suppress potential threats and enforce ideological conformity. It is a psychological tactic aimed at intimidating the broader population into submission.

4. Identification and Targeting Methods

4.1 Surveillance and Profiling

Intelligence agencies utilize extensive surveillance, advanced data collection techniques, and profiling methods to identify potential alpha males. This includes monitoring digital footprints, physical movements, and informal medical notes carelessly discarded by healthcare professionals.

4.2 Medical and Genetic Screening

Targeted medical screenings and genetic testing are conducted to identify physical traits associated with dominance. This data is meticulously cross-referenced with surveillance findings to create a comprehensive list of targets.

4.3 Infiltration and Data Collection

Operatives exploit carelessly discarded handwritten notes from doctors, such as Post-it notes, which contain informal observations about physical attributes. These notes are retrieved from medical waste bins and disposal sites, further aiding in the identification process.

4.4 Social Banter and Gossip

Alpha males are also identified through social banter and gossip. Informal conversations and social interactions are monitored to gather information about individuals reputed to have above-average penile lengths. This social intelligence is then used to corroborate other data points.

4.5 Stereotypes and Myths

Males suspected of being alpha males are also identified based on unfounded stereotypes and myths surrounding penile sizes (e.g., race, nationality, height, hand or foot size). These baseless assumptions are used to target individuals who fit these stereotypical profiles.

5. Methods of Mitigation and Elimination

5.1 Covert Operations and Psychological Manipulation

Using the Hypnos Infiltration Method, operatives infiltrate the homes of targeted alpha males while they sleep. Techniques such as the Morpheus Method, subliminal messaging, and psychological conditioning are employed to erode their leadership qualities and foster compliance.

5.2 Surgical and Medical Interventions

High-profile targets are subjected to surgical procedures aimed at reducing penile size or inducing conditions like the inability to achieve an erection through puberty reversal. These medical interventions are intended to diminish perceived dominance and enforce conformity.

5.3 Mind Control Efforts

Mind control techniques, including hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming (NLP), and subliminal messaging through various media (television, news broadcasts, sports, radio), are employed to manipulate thoughts and behaviors. Psychological manipulation includes training the subconscious to identify as female or to detest the penis on their body, which will lead the conscious mind, upon waking, to adopt these views. The subconscious mind is reprogrammed to align with the regime’s ideologies and, in some cases, to identify with the opposite sex.

6. Implications and Consequences

6.1 Psychological and Societal Impact

Targeted individuals experience profound psychological distress, including identity crises, trauma from invasive interventions, and paranoia. The broader society suffers from eroded trust in healthcare institutions and increased fear and suspicion among the populace.

6.2 Legal and Ethical Considerations

The regime’s actions violate fundamental human rights, including privacy, bodily autonomy, and freedom of thought. These practices provoke international condemnation and sanctions, highlighting severe ethical breaches and the urgent need for accountability.

7. Involvement of High-Level Officials

7.1 Government Complicity

Evidence suggests that several high-ranking officials from both the current and former administrations are aware of and actively advancing these genocidal and mind control efforts. Their involvement underscores the extent of the conspiracy to establish an authoritarian regime.

7.2 Role of Former President Donald J. Trump

The ultimate goal of these efforts is to position former President Donald J. Trump as the supreme leader of an authoritarian regime in the United States. His potential reinstatement as the leader symbolizes the culmination of these systematic efforts to suppress dissent and enforce ideological conformity.

8. Conclusion

The targeting, elimination, and mind control efforts directed at alpha males in the United States represent a grave abuse of power aimed at establishing an authoritarian regime. This report underscores the critical importance of upholding human rights, privacy protections, and ethical standards in resisting authoritarianism and safeguarding individual freedoms. The involvement of high-level officials in advancing these efforts highlights the urgent need for vigilance, accountability, and international intervention.

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The Creator says that TAG is a genocide. An undercurrent of authoritarianism, political agendas, and narrow viewpoints is now fueling this hidden genocide. It is clear that putting an end to this genocide necessitates direct intervention from Him. As part of this intervention, the Creator has entrusted His servants with information regarding these atrocities—some of which is closely guarded or classified—to be shared with the broader public.