Best Practices: Working with Style - nambach/ExcelUtil GitHub Wiki

One of the problem when writing data is that Excel file has some limitations regarding to styles:

  • .xls file has maximum of 4,000 cell styles
  • .xlsx file has maximum of 64,000 cell styles.

Therefore, in case we only use Apache POI, if our code is not carefully written, we may face some error likes this.

Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The maximum number of Cell Styles was exceeded.
You can define up to 64000 style in a .xlsx Workbook

The mechanism of style caching in ExcelUtil

ExcelUtil implements a caching mechanism based on tree structure to re-use styles from Apache POI.

Style objects are declared before being used in exporting data.

Style BASED_STYLE = Style
    .fontSize((short) 12)

Style HEADER_STYLE = Style
    .builder(BASED_STYLE) // accumulate existing style

1. Style combination

Styles can be applied in 4 places as below:

  • Column style
  • (Conditional) Cell style
  • Background style
  • (Conditional) Row style
DataTemplate<Book> template = DataTemplate
    .column(c -> c.field("rating")
                  .style(BROWN) // Column style
                  .conditionalStyle(book -> book.getTitle().contains("Sorcerer's")
                                    ?  HIGH_RATE : null)) // Cell style
    .config(cf -> cf.dataStyle(DATA_STYLE) // Background style
                    .conditionalRowStyle(book -> book.getTitle() // Row style
                                    .contains("Harry Potter") ? FAVORITE_ONE : null));

There are some situations, a cell can have multiple styles overlapping each other. In that case, styles will be combined altogether with priorities as below:


Here is an example of output file may look like.

2. Caching styles using tree

Each Style object will have a unique ID. When writing data, Style will be generated into POI CellStyle. The goal of style caching is to re-use CellStyle based on its original ID.

To do so, ExcelUtil uses tree structure. Each node will store the CellStyle as value and its original ID as identity. When applying a Style, the corresponding CellStyle will be generated and stored in a node. Next time, if that style is applied again, the program will look up in tree and re-use the existing CellStyle. These styles are called Atomic CellStyle

For combined styles, to prevent excessive creation, the combined CellStyle will only be created once and then stored in the path made of IDs of ingredient styles. Next time, if there is a need to combine styles again, the program will look up the path of ingredient styles in order and re-use the existing CellStyle. These are called Combined CellStyle.


Note that, for styles that are declared by accumulating existing ones, they are treated as Atomic CellStyle.

// Atomic style
Style BASED_STYLE = Style

// Also atomic style
Style HEADER_STYLE = Style
    .builder(BASED_STYLE) // accumulate existing style

Working with Style

Now you know the underlying mechanism of style caching. To effectively support this method, just keep in mind only one thing:

Never create new styles while declaring DataTemplate<T>, Template, or writing data using Editor. Creating Style dynamically will lead to overcontrol the number of generated CellStyle and break the limitation. It is best to define all styles statically.

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