What is Unit Testing in Software Development ? - nairuzabulhul/Technical-Terms GitHub Wiki
#Unit testing:
is simply testing every unit or a block of code you have written, and make sure it is working as expected.
Every time a developer creates a new function , he/she has to test it in order to make sure it is working properly alone,
and then test it after its integration with the whole program.
It is always recommended to test regularly in order to fix any bugs or issue that might snowball in later times.
##Unit testing usually involves breaking your program into small blocks:
if you are developing a full stack app. you can break the app into:
1- Front-end: where you create tests to evaluate UX(User Experience, looks, design, page loading time, etc)
2- Back-end: where you create tests to test database connection, server timeout, latency, etc.
2- Front/Back Integration: this is the last type of testing, where you integrate both ends together and create testing to examine the functionality and efficiency of the app