Setting up Lumen - naim94a/lumen GitHub Wiki

Build from source

  1. Install Rust:
  2. Build Lumen:
    git clone
    cd lumen
    cargo build --release
  3. Copy target/release/lumen[.exe] to a more permanent directory.
  4. Execute [./]lumen[.exe] -c config.toml.

Setup the database

  1. Install a postgresql server.
  2. Create a database, and (optional) create a user:
    createdb lumendb
  3. Create tables for lumen in the database:
    psql < schema.sql
  4. On some platforms, you may have to allow remote tcp connections to the database by modifying pg_hba.conf

Configuring lumen

Lumen's configuration is a simple TOML file. Here you can find a template with comments:

# Set the interface on which Lumen will listen on.
bind_addr = ""
# Sets if IDA must use TLS or not.
use_tls = false

# This section is only required when `use_tls` is set to true.
# Specify the server's certificate. 
# Clients connecting to the server must match this certificate.
# If the certificate is password protected, the password can be specified in the `PKCSPASSWD` environment variable.
server_cert = "private/certs/animul.p12"

# Specifies a postgresql connection string. All variables can be found here:
connection_info = "host= port=32768 user=postgres password=1"
# Sets if the database connection should be made using TLS.
use_tls = false
# If the database requires a secure connection, paths to server-ca and client-id certificates can be set here:
#server_ca = "db_ca.pem"
#client_id = "db_id.p12"