UISounds - nahtedetihw/SnowboardWIKI GitHub Wiki

To theme the UISounds you need to download "Snowboard Sounds Extension" from Spark's Repo

Note: the files need to be in .caf format

Here is a site you can use to convert to caf. https://convertio.co/mp3-caf/

Let's get started.

All files go inside CustomTheme.theme/UISounds

  • connect_power.caf - This is the sound when connected to lighting cable.
  • key_press_click.caf - This is the standard click for the numeric keyboard.
  • key_press_delete.caf - This is the sound when pressing backspace on the numeric keyboard.
  • key_press_modifier.caf - This is the sound when pressing Shift key on the numeric keyboard.
  • keyboard_press_clear.caf - This is the sound when holding backspace on the regular keyboard.
  • keyboard_press_delete.caf - This is the sound when pressing backspace on the regular keyboard.
  • keyboard_press_normal.caf - This is the standard click for the regular keyboard.
  • lock.caf - This is the lock sound.
  • photoShutter.caf - This is the photo shutter sound.
  • ReceivedMessage.caf - This is the sound when receiving a message in iMessage.
  • SentMessage.caf - This is the sound when sending a message in iMessage.
  • tink.caf - This is the keyboard click sound on iOS 10 or lower.
  • Tock.caf - This is the keyboard delete sound on iOS 10 or lower.

Here's a theme preview made by ETHN
