UI Theming - nahtedetihw/SnowboardWIKI GitHub Wiki
Let's get started.
In order to get started with this tutorial, you need to download uncar from Limneos Repo
This will allow us to cardump Assets.car files which contain the images we need
You will also need a Terminal like New Term 2 or Mobile Terminal
Filza or iFile are also required to locate the Assets.car files
Open Filza and find the app you want to theme
Most apps are under /Applications
Inside of the .app folder, you will find the Assets.car file
Tap the i symbol next to the Assets.car file and copy the Parent Directory
Jump into your Terminal and run the command
**uncar /pathtodirectory /pathtodumpfolder
pathtodirectory = The Parent Directory we just copied
path todumpfolder = The path where we want to dump these images (Usually everyone just dumps them into /var/mobile/Documents)
Here is an example for the App Store:
uncar /Applications/AppStore.app /var/mobile/Documents
Hit Return on your keyboard after entering the command and you will see uncar doing its magic
Now head over to /var/mobile/Documents and look for AppStore.app folder, this will contain most of the images needed to theme the App Store app
The images have to be placed in a folder in your theme named after the BundleIdentifier
To find this you can go back to the location of the Assets.car file and locate the info.plist file
Inside the info.plist, you will see a section called CFBundleIdentifier
Here is an example for the App Store:
Your folder structure will look like this: CustomTheme.theme/Bundles/com.apple.AppStore
Data Collector
It is also possible to use the 'Data Collector' in SnowBoard UI. To enable this, go to SnowBoard settings > Extensions > Tap "Settings" on the UI extension. Enable "Data Collector" and respring. (Note: This will disable any active theming).
Once enabled, go to the application or area you want to theme and let it load the images you're interested in. All outputs will be stored in "/var/mobile/Library/SnowBoard".
Always remember to disabled the data collector after you're finished, otherwise you may experience degraded system performance and SnowBoard won't function.
Happy theming everyone :)