Settings Icons - nahtedetihw/SnowboardWIKI GitHub Wiki

To theme the Settings Icons you need to download "Snowboard Settings Icons Extension" from Spark's Repo

Note: the prefix @3x is used mostly for Plus devices (iPhone Plus/X/XS/11 Pro/11 Pro Max) and @2x for regular size devices (iPhone 5s/SE/6/7/8/XR/11) See here for more information on scales:

The recommended size for devices that use @2x is 58x58 and for @3x is 87x87 any larger size could cause issues.

Let's get started.

All files go inside these folders and you need to place those folders inside CustomTheme.theme/Bundles

iOS 10 and lower

iOS 11

iOS 12 & 13


Apple ID

FindMyiPhone settings icon in Apple ID settings can be found in CustomTheme.theme/Bundles/

GameCenter & iCloud Backup settings icon in Apple ID settings can be found in CustomTheme.theme/Bundles/


FindMyiPhone settings icon in iCloud settings can be found in CustomTheme.theme/Bundles/

Family settings icon in iCloud settings can be found in CustomTheme.theme/Bundles/


iCloud Drive settings icon in Storage settings can be found in CustomTheme.theme/Bundles/

AutoFill Passwords

Keychain settings icon in AutoFill Passwords settings can be found in CustomTheme.theme/Bundles/

iOS 13 Accessibility Settings

All of the Accessibility settings icons in iOS 13 can be found in CustomTheme.theme/Bundles/ Snowboard UI extension is required to theme this section. Currently Snowboard UI Extension is privately available in Snowboard Discord.

iOS 13 iPad HomeScreen & Dock Settings Icon

These get coded to CustomTheme.theme/Bundles/

Unread Bubble

This themes the Badge Notification in Settings for "Software Update" These will also go in the above folders along with the other settings icons.

Additional Settings icons:

These are located in CustomTheme.theme/Bundles/

This is located in CustomTheme.theme/Bundles/

Home & Lockscreen icon in the Battery panel of the settings icon is located in CustomTheme.theme/Bundles/

Shuffle Tweak

Shuffle icons are located in CustomTheme.theme/Bundles/com.creaturecoding.shuffle

  • [email protected] Preference Bundles
  • dylib-disabled@3x Disabled Dylibs
  • [email protected] Package Dylibs
  • [email protected] Debian Packages
  • [email protected] Tweaks in com.saurik.Cydia
  • The icons for System Apps and Apps are pulled in from the corresponding icons in the Springboard theme (ie /IconBundles/ and

Here's a theme preview made by Alo