Home Screen Icons - nahtedetihw/SnowboardWIKI GitHub Wiki

Let's get started.

All files need to be placed inside CustomTheme.theme/IconBundles

Note: The recommended size for the icons is 180x180 however you can use bigger resolutions and snowboard will re-scale them. Providing overly sized icons, and large files may result in degraded system performance. So it's highly recommended to keep to this size recommendation.


  • <app bundle id>-large.png

Here's an example:

  • com.apple.AppStore-large.png (This will theme the App Store icon)

You can find the Bundle ID's for the apps with BundleIDsXII or you can use this website http://armconverter.com/appinfo/

Here's some theme previews made by Buufjuiced and BasicallyJoel

4 download (1)