Meeting Minutes - nagimov/cyclotron-cryopanel GitHub Wiki
To Do List
- Fix wall's plots
- Get data from cool-down & simulate
- COMSOL Model?
- Student Seminar Presentation (Dec 8, 2016 in auditorium)
- Final Report
- Publication
- Code clean up & double-check
- Detailed statistical sensitivity analysis of the model
- add pressure drop
- add radiation heat transfer He -> wall
- link streams
- test model at low T and phase change * works, but need to double-check certain cases without using c-wrappers in the loop
- make nominal values to be per stream
- make all constants into matrices
- run models for a long time
- report / presentation
Minor Things
- get rid of transpose in props wrappers
- do not re-calculate u_prev * don't think this is possible
- basic 4-stream model, nothing in-between families of streams
- 4-stream model with conduction between families of streams
- 4-stream model with conduction and radiation between families of streams
- investigate two-phase flows
- check using f-solve for the whole solution (re 2-phase flows)
- optimized code
- get rid of all transposes in the code
- run radiation with high As to ensure there is warm up of both streams
- scaled pressure drop
- scaled UA
- k as a function of temperature
- investigate a memory leak in Coolprop
- Check that the current (and future) models support two-phase flows
- Add radiative heat transfer
- Add radiative heat transfer between wall and an external body
- Run various models for a long time (until dHdt ~ 0)
- for case with a wall - swap fluids, check consistency -- done, consistent
- for case with overlapping temperature plots:
- plot Q[i]
- try constrained solver with an extra condition: T[i+1] >= T[i]
- run the problem with liquid + gaseous phases without wall
- investigate how can we do the scaling for pressure drop and UA coefficient at a two-phase flow regime
- temperature distribution along the wall - as a separate vector -- after solver optimization
- make coolprop ( work with MATLAB, compare performance
- saturation curve
- implicit solver - use
or finite difference method
- play with time step, tolerances, iteration, etc
- change
or smth that like, - use more slices
- pull initial data to separate variables (eliminate penalties, e.g. static columns)
- find the function in refprop that determines quality of stream -- it's
- refprop wrapper
- COBYLA solver -- cancelled
- Better methods for dU/dt -- deferred
- Works towards everything in terms of P-H
ideas for future thinking & research
- use explicit equations of state (e.g. PRSV) instead of REFPROP
- try different solvers instead of standard
_could try fminsearch
, fmincon