Home - nagasudhirpulla/Debtonator GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the Debtonator wiki!


  1. Life cycle methods called on orientation change - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6315908/which-activity-method-is-called-when-orientation-changes-occur
  2. MPAndroidChart line chart example https://www.studytutorial.in/android-line-chart-or-line-graph-using-mpandroid-library-tutorial , official getting started page https://github.com/PhilJay/MPAndroidChart/wiki/Getting-Started


  1. Transaction List Activity remove home button and shut down app on back press -- done
  2. Transaction Edit Activity date time utc+530 issue fix -- done
  3. Remove Load left button in home activity -- done
  4. Get the icons for the fabs -- done
  5. Add Transaction button in the transaction edit activity -- done
  6. Transaction edit activity not detecting only date changes -- done
  7. Transaction categories gmail style autocomplete edit text -- done
  8. Person Analysis list item widths defined by weights -- done
  9. Summary button in the home screen to give the transaction set analysis and highlights
  10. Person Analysis total consumption and contribution calculation from adapter function to be created in the adapter.
  11. Person Analysis list adapter calculate contribution, consumption percentage.
  12. Person Analysis sort order change functionality implementation -- done
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