Run SQL Statements - nabrezzelt/HelperLibrary GitHub Wiki


In the HelperLibrary the queries are splitted in 2 sections.

  • Select-Statements means statements with return value(s) and
  • Insert-, Update- or Delete-Statments with no return (excluding the last insert ID)

In general you need a connected instance of MySQLDatabaseManager (if you don't know how this works, it's here explaied).

Select statements

Select statments can be run with the Select(query); method. The method returns a reader of type MySqlDataReader. The reading is quite easy - just call reader.Read() in a while loop if you expect multiple rows or without a while loop if you expect only one row as result. Inside the loop you can access the data with reader.GetInt32() if the column type is a int or reader.GetString() if the column type is a string.

To tell the GetValue() method witch column you want you can pass the columnname or the columnindex as argument.


Your database structure for the table users is as follows:

id username password banned
int varchar varchar tinyint

To get the user with a specific id you can use this code example:

var userId = 1;

var query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = " + userId;
var reader = _dbManagerDefault.Select(query);


var id = reader.GetInt32(0);
var username = reader.GetString(1);
var password = reader.GetString(2);
var banned = reader.GetBoolean(3);        


var user = new User(id, username, password, banned);

It's important to close the reader with reader.Close() after reading the records.

Insert, Update or Delete statements

Prepared statements

Select statements

Insert, Update or Delete statements