Weapon Buy Tool - nZombies-Time/nZombies-Rezzurrection GitHub Wiki
Weapon Buy Placer
This tool allows you to place guns on walls that you can buy for points. You can also resupply ammo for half the price if you already own the gun. If your gun is Pack-a-Punched, ammo resupply will cost 4500. Wall Buys look like white outlines of guns with a blue glow. It does not require Advanced Mode and gets to extra options from it.
The tool's interface.
Interface and Options
The Weapon Buy Placer has two options. It gets no extra options from Advanced Mode.
- Weapon Class
The Weapon it will give when bought. This is a dropdown containing all installed weapons from your game. If you want more options, go to the Garry's Mod Workshop and find some more weapon packs. The outline created by the Weapon Buy is also dependant on this weapon's model.
- Price
The cost of the weapon. Buying the weapon on the wall requires you to pay this amount of points. If you already have the gun, you can buy full ammo for it for half the price of the gun. If your gun is Pack-a-Punched, ammo will always cost 4500.
Tool and Controls
- Left Click: Create a Weapon Buy with the settings set in the interface.
- Right Click: Remove the Weapon Buy you're looking at.
- Reload: Update the settings on the Weapon Buy you're looking at to what you set in the interface.
A Weapon Buy of a KSG-12.
If you are unable to see the wallbuy, enter the developer console and type nz_outlinedetail 0 (default is 4). This will display a model instead of a halo.