Prop Remover Tool - nZombies-Time/nZombies-Rezzurrection GitHub Wiki
An essential tool to a well optimized nZombies Rezzurrection config! This tool if shot at a prop spawned by the map, will delete that prop once the match starts. Props marked for removal are painted in a deep red and a message is printed in the chat box in the bottom right of the screen. The tool does not require Advanced Mode and comes with no options.
Tool and Controls
- Left Click: Mark Prop for Removal
- Right Click: Unmark Prop
- R: Search For Entities to Remove in a 100 Unit Radius
Area Search Menu:
Marked entities are checked off in the menu. Entities unchecked will not be removed.
Props marked for removal
Notice how the props are all a deep red color.
Same place after removal
This is the exact same spot as the image above but ingame.
Tips and Tricks
- Getting rid of props through marking them increases performance once ingame.
- Use the area search function to mark entities you might accidentally pick up such as ammo and suit batteries.