Perk Machine Tool - nZombies-Time/nZombies-Rezzurrection GitHub Wiki

Perk Machine Placer

The Perk Machine Placer allows you to place down Perk Machines that give the player various useful effects when bought by players. Pack-a-Punch is counted as a Perk Machine in this tool. Their prices are always fixed and cannot be changed, only which perk it is can be changed. This tool does not require Advanced Mode and will not get any extra options from it.

Despite not having any advanced options, perks do have one option listed in the Map Settings menu. That option is: Perk Upgrades? You can view perks and their upgrades in order Here or you can start at the Table of Contents.

The tool's interface

The dropdown containing all base perks.

Interface and Options

The Perk Machine Placer only has one single option; the type of perk.

  • Perk

This option is a dropdown containing all perks from the gamemode. Picking one makes the toolgun place that machine where shot.

Tool and Controls

  • Left Click: Place selected Perk Machine.
  • Right Click: Remove the Perk Machine you're looking at.
  • Reload: Update the Perk Machine to the one set in the interface.

Table of Contents

Perks and Gallery

Amish Ale

Cost: 1000
Upgrade Cost: 2000
Description: A joke perk turned actual perk. Amish Ale when owned will cause the player to gain 30 points per repaired barricade board rather than 10 points per repaired board.
Upgrade: You gain a 20%chance to get 115 points from a repaired board.

Amish Ale in all of it's glory.

Danger Costa-Rican

Cost: 2000
Upgrade Cost: 4000
Description: Danger Costa-Rican when owned will double the damage of any weapon that does DMG_BLAST. Basically, any explosive weapon.
Upgrade: Instead of double damage, you now do four times the explosive damage.

Danger Costa-Rican perk machine. The model/texture is a placeholder.

Deadshot Daiquiri

Cost: 2000
Upgrade Cost: 4000
Description: Deadshot when owned will, upon zombie headshot, cause a zombie's head to explode for 200 damage with a 20% chance to proc. The radius of the explosion is roughly half the radius of widow's wine's web explosion.
Upgrade: Headshot explosion damage increased to 666 and proc chance increase to 33%.

Deadshot Daiquiri perk machine.

Der Wunderfizz

Cost: 1500
Description: Der Wunderfizz works differently than other perk machines. Instead of getting a specific perk from the machine as you normally would, when you buy Der Wunderfizz, the machine rolls a random perk based on what perks you have set to appear in the machine. You can set what perks you want to appear in this machine in your Map Settings.
Upgrade: N/A

Der wunderfizz without power or when the orb is at another Der Wunderfizz machine.

Der Wunderfizz while the power is on and the orb is currently in the machine.

Double Tap

Cost: 2000
Description: Double Tap when owned, will increase your firerate by 25%. Stacks with Double Tap II for a total firerate increase of 40%.
Upgrade: N/A

Double Tap perk machine.

Double Tap II

Cost: 2000
Description: Double Tap II when owned, will increase firerate by 10% and double damage to bullet based weapons. Stacks with Double Tap for a total firerate increase of 40%. Does not stack with Vigor Rush. Upgrade: N/A

Double Tap II perk machine.

Electric Cherry

Cost: 2000
Description: Electric Cherry when owned, will cause you to emit a large electric AOE (Area of Effect) around you when you reload. Damage is based on how many rounds you have left in your gun. More rounds left = Less damage. Less rounds left = More damage. Damage is also further scaled based on how much damage your gun does. More damage = More powerful AOE.
Upgrade: N/A

Electric Cherry perk machine.

Elemental Pop

Cost: 3000
Upgrade Cost: 6000
Description: Elemental Pop when owned, will give your weapon a 20% chance to cause 1 the following effects:

Radiation: Zombies hit have 7% of their HP removed.
Slowburn: Zombies hit are ignited based on weapon damage.
Plasma: Zombies hit are slowed by 25%. Shock: Zombies hit take 1.3x additional damage and the shock spreads to zombies in a 150HU radius.
Poison: Zombies hit take 1.2x additional damage, if this kills the zombie, it explodes into a nova cloud that damages both zombies and players that walk through it.
Acid: Zombies hit have a 25% chance to be instakilled. Zombies instakilled by this melt into a puddle of damaging acid. The acid puddle will not melt other zombies into more puddles of acid.
Antimatter: Zombies hit explode violently dealing 10% of their health as damage to other zombies.

Upgrade: Increased chance for more powerful effects such as Acid and Antimatter.

Elemental Pop perk machine. The model/texture is a placeholder.

Explosive Everclear

Cost: 3000
Upgrade Cost: 6000
Description: Explosive everclear when owned, will give you a chance to create a large fire trap when killing a zombie. Fire trap origin is where the zombie is killed.
Upgrade: Increases chance that a fire trap is created. The fire trap also has increased damage.

Explosive Everclear perk machine.

Gobbledumb(April Fools)

Cost: 500
Description: A joke machine that gives you various horrible effects when used.
Upgrade: N/A

The Gobbledumb machine.


Cost: 2500
Upgrade Cost: 5000
Description: Juggernog when owned, will increase player health to 250hp. This health increase is lost upon going down.
Upgrade: Further increases player health to 350hp.

Juggernog perk machine.

Juicer's Gin

Cost: 2000
Upgrade Cost: 4000
Description: Juicer's Gin when owned, will grant everyone 2 more perk slots.
Upgrade: Gives everyone 1 more perk slot.

Juicer's Gin perk machine.

Mule Kick

Cost: 4000
Description: Mule Kick when owned, will grant the player 1 extra weapon slot. The weapon in this slot is lost upon going down.
Upgrade: N/A

Mule Kick perk machine.

Napalm Nectar

Cost: 2000
Upgrade Cost: 4000
Description: Napalm Nectar when owned, will cause the player to deal double fire damage and grants the player fire damage immunity.
Upgrade: Grants the player a 20% chance to ignite any zombie they damage.

Napalm Nectar perk machine.


Cost: 5000
RePaP Cost: 2000
Description: While not a perk itself, Pack-a-Punch(PaP) will boost a weapon's stats when used. A weapon must first be inserted into the machine and after a small delay it is ejected from the machine and must be picked back up before the machine pulls it back in and destroys it. PaP behavior can be modified per weapon by using the PaP Function. Upgrade: N/A

The Pack-a-Punch machine.

PHD Flopper

Cost: 2000
Description: PhD Flopper when owned, will make the player immune to their own explosive damage.
Upgrade: N/A

PhD Flopper perk machine.

Quick Revive

Cost: 1500
Description: Quick revive has 2 different functions depending on whether you're in singleplayer or multiplayer. In singleplayer, once you buy quick revive, the perk will pick you up if you go down. You lose the perk in this process. In multiplayer, you revive teammates faster.
Upgrade: N/A

Quick Revive perk machine.


Cost: 5000
Description: Random-o-Politan when owned, will cause all of your weapons to lose their ability to reload. When you run out of ammo in your magazine and attempt to reload, your weapon will instead be replaced by a random weapon that is drawn from the mystery box loot table. Upgrade: N/A

Random-o-Politan perk machine.

Slasher's Sake

Cost: 6000
Upgrade Cost: 12000
Description: Slasher' Sake when owned, will replace your melee weapon with a katana that will instakill any non-boss enemy.
Upgrade: Melee weapons deal bonus damage to bosses.

Slasher's Sake perk machine.

Speed Cola

Cost: 3000
Description: Speed Cola when owned, will increase your reload speed.
Upgrade: N/A

Speed Cola perk machine.


Cost: 2000
Upgrade Cost: 4000
Description: Stamin-Up when owned will increase your sprint speed and sprint duration.
Upgrade: Doubles player sprint speed bonus.

Stamin-Up perk machine.

Tombstone Soda

Cost: 2000
Upgrade Cost: 4000
Description: Tombstone Soda when owned, will cause the player to drop a tombstone when they die (not when downed.) If you pick the tombstone up after you respawn, you will get all of you weapons and perks back minus tombstone.
Upgrade: If you die while you have the upgrade of this perk, you will receive a refund for both the upgrade and the original perk.

Tombstone Soda perk machine.

Vigor Rush

Cost: 2500
Upgrade Cost: 5000
Description: Vigor Rush when owned, will double the damage of bullet based weapons. Does not stack with Double Tap II but takes priority over it. Upgrade: Damage increase now works on all weapons.

Vigor Rush perk machine.

Vulture Aid Elixir

Cost: 3000
Upgrade Cost: 6000
Description: Vulture Aid Elixir when owned, will cause zombies killed by the player who owns the perk to drop point bags and ammo boxes. Point bags and ammo boxes are only able to be picked up by the player who created them.
Upgrade: Increased point and ammo gain from Vulture Aid Elixir drops.

Vulture Aid Elixir perk machine.

Wall Power Whiskey Sour

Cost: 8000
Description: Wall Power Whiskey Sour when owned, will cause any weapon bought from the wall to be Pack-A-Punched. NOTE: May currently be broken.
Upgrade: N/A

Wall Power Whiskey Sour perk machine.

Who's Who

Cost: 2000
Description: Who's Who when owned, will cause the player (upon being downed) to spawn in a duplicate body at a nearby special spawn point with the map starting weapon. The player has a limited time to go revive their original body or else it dies (thus losing everything that the body had on it) and is now stuck with the duplicate body.
Upgrade: N/A

Who's Who perk machine.

Widow's Wine

Cost: 4000
Description: Widow's Wine when owned, will convert the player's grenades into web grenades. If the player is hit by a zombie, one of the grenades will be consumed and go off causing a web explosion centered on the player that damages and slows nearby zombies. Grenades thrown by the player are sticky and have the same effect as being hit.
Upgrade: N/A

Widow's Wine perk machine.